Thursday, July 19, 2007

Doggie Day Care

I took a walk this afternoon and stumbled upon the most gorgeous site I think I've ever seen. Doggie day care. In this pet store/daycare/grooming centre were these rooms with large windows that housed dogs who had been left for the day to play with their friends. When you walk up to the window, every dog looks at you. Probably pleading to be taken home, but it was still so cute! I want to work there and play with the puppies.

Take a look at the puppy in the right corner - he's sitting on a slide!! How beautiful...though he didn't really know what to do once he was there. I just wanted to run in and push him down to enjoy...

My walk also took me north to union square all the way up to 23rd st. It was a lot longer than I'd expected so I have some very angry feet. They didn't like my choice of footwear.

Union Square in the full heat of summer

I have learnt a few things today. WALK ON THE RIGHT so you don't run into people; as you go to cross the road, walk as far out into the road without getting hit by cars and power walk as soon as there is a gap in traffic; look up and straight ahead and try and look like a local. Even I could pick the tourists ;p Hopefully others didn't pick me.

I did get a couple books today (one of my missions for the afternoon) Not For Tourists guide to New York City, a dude in the bookstore recommended it and we had a great chat without me realising until he walked off that he didn't actually work there, and the moleskin city guide a "do it yourself" guide.

I'm living near Katz's Deli made famous thanks to Meg Ryan's orgasm scene
in When Harry Met Sally

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