Monday, October 15, 2007

Everyone tells me this cool weather is nothing..but I'm from Queensland dammit!

Well the autumn weather has hit the city and I'm feeling the cold! It will be interesting to see how I fair come Christmas. I am however looking forward to it snowing here. I think that will be quite novel.

But enough about the weather. This week has been a fun one. I have been doing a lot of sight seeing with Tracey before she leaves on Wednesday, so we have been uptown to the MOMA, dined all over the town, been to Harlem for a church service, gone skating at Rockefeller centre and scaled the Empire State Building.

Harlem was awesome. Finally I got to see the Shout! trombone band Irene had been telling me about since I met her two years ago. We've tried to see them twice but always arrived too late, so this time we weren't going to miss out. This time we arrived early and sat through a long service which in itself was extremely interesting as church in Harlem is not the same as church in an all girls private school! And then the music started and it was amazing. There were at least 12 trombones, a sousaphone, baritone and about 3 percussionists. The sound these guys achieved was phenomenal. Had I been brought up in a church like that I'd be a very different person where it comes to religious views! A must see for any brass musician.

moma views

skating fun

city views from the 86th floor

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