We also had Thanksgiving amongst all of that and had a fun time with friends. The parade was great, HUGE balloons and MILLIONS of people. It has also snowed a couple of times (once it was a pretty, romantic snow...the others a horrible mixture of rain and snow which creates a grey slush which is far from romantic) but despite the lack of snow it still remains cold and windy. I'm getting used to the fact that you have to add on dressing time to every departure as it takes a good five minutes just to put all the layers on to head outdoors. Jess has been having fun here, shopping it up and helping me on set with Pat's film. It's great having her here to show around and do touristy stuff with. The first week was little rocky as we both came down with he stomach flu, but now we are both well again we're exploring the city with gusto (I guess).
Thanksgiving Day Parade and FOOOOD!